Park Slope and Greenwood Love Story Session - Brooklyn, New York : Brianne + Kevin

My favorite thing about Brianne + Kevin’s Love Story Session was how much fun we all had together, actually, more importantly, how much fun they had throughout the session. Brianne + Kevin decided to take me on a date night for their session and it was an absolute blast! We began the night in Park Slope at Wolf & Deer, the location of their first date and then headed down the block to Union Hall, their living room away from home. After a competitive game of bocce ball that we won’t mention the final score ;), a few drinks, and some cuddles on the couch, we took off to their house to pick up their pup Shep and go for a walk with him around their Greenwood neighborhood. It was perfectly them, it was fun, it was sweet, it was just another date night in the best possible way.

Brianne + Kevin first met years before they ever started dating and then met again for real and quickly fell in love. I always ask the couples I work with a few questions about their love, their lives, ect. and this answer from Kevin, I feel, perfectly sums up their relationship - it is real, it is honest, it is passionate, it is fun, it may have made me tear up a little because, I mean c'mon, does it get much more romantic than that???

“It feels to me as if there was no life before Brianne. That is where I feel my journey started. It’s like I was born one day and by the end of that day I was 21 years old. (A lot of stuff happened in that day.) And then, on the second day of my life, I met Brianne...and we hung out a few times, and a few more things happened, and by the end of that day, I was 24 years old. And then on the third day of my life, we met. We really, genuinely met. And that’s when life begins in a linear fashion.”